Get Involved
Thank you for your interest in helping!
The Bremerton Foodline strives to utilize community resources to provide help to those in our community that need assistance. There are many ways that you can help:
Monetary donations provide us the greatest flexibility! With our distributor partnerships and access to wholesale pricing, we are able to buy products for our clients. We also appreciate food items and other non-food donations for BFL to distribute. Learn more about do's and don'ts of donations by checking out our donation page!

Become a Volunteer
Bremerton Foodline depends on its volunteers to fulfill its mission. New volunteers are always welcome. Our greatest need is for volunteers who can work on a recurring basis, and individual volunteers and groups who would like to donate their time for special events.

Organize a Food Drive
Contact to help coordinate a food drive for BFL!
Attend a BFL Event
See our calendar for upcoming events!
Join the Board of Directors
BOD members serve for 3 year terms, and function as the governing body of BFL. Submit and application for evaluation and review.